Sept 2023 Labour Market Monthly Update

In the latest Sept employment data, the accommodation and food services sector showed positive growth with an increase of 3,200 jobs (1.8%). Agriculture experienced a decline of 2,300 jobs (-9.5%). Most other sectors had minor fluctuations, with notable gains in educational services, finance, and retail trade. Information, culture, and recreation took a hit, losing 6,100 jobs (-4.3%). Overall, the job market displayed mixed results, with some sectors gaining while others saw losses, with retail trade showing the most significant increase of 9,100 jobs (2.1%).
在最新加拿大九月的就業數據中,住宿和餐飲服務業顯示出積極的增長,新增了3,200個職位(1.8%)。農業則經歷了2,300個職位的下降(-9.5%)。大多數其他行業出現輕微波動,值得注意的是教育服務、金融和零售貿易方面有顯著增長。信息、文化和娛樂則受到了沖擊,失去了6,100個職位(-4.3%)。 總括來說,就業市場呈現出複雜的趨勢,其中零售貿易方面的增長最為顯著,增加了9,100個職位(2.1%)。